Opening Time: Sunday to Thursday

200+ Project Done

image About Us

Ensure Comfort and Satisfaction

At Urbanstyle, we believe everyone should have access to efficient and reliable air conditioning systems that improve their quality of life. We aim to be a trusted partner in HVAC maintenance, providing smart solutions that focus on customer comfort and ease. We are dedicated to excellence in all we do, from high-quality repairs to the professionalism of our team.

Stay cool with the best air conditioning service.


Lynda Jessica

CEO - Airvice
How it works

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do.

Schedule a Service Call

Contact Urbanstyle to book a service call for your air conditioning repair needs.

Diagnosis and Assessment

We check your air conditioning system to find the problem.

Repair and Restoration

We fix the issue and restore your air conditioning system to work properly.

Quality Check and Follow-Up

We do a final check to make sure your air conditioning system runs smoothly and efficiently.


Expert Technician


Total Branches


Project Complete


Happy Customer